Meetings 2024

March 20, 2024: at the exhibition ,Et si c'était ça, le paradis?´ with artists Maja Rohwetter in conversation with Dr. Almut Hüfler at artist run space Axel Obiger


Paradise. An ideal place or state outside our reality. Or within ourselves? Have we perhaps already missed it? Jeanne Susplugas and Maja Rohwetter question the relationship between inner and outer reality in a multimedia approach with VR and AR works, drawings, collages and prints. In Suspluga's VR work "I will sleep when I'm dead", graphic set pieces of a dysfunctional reality of life circulate. Rohwetter's AR work "deep and shallow" externalises the forms of an inner reality. Both also bring the fleetingness of XR back into analogue images. The longing for reality begins with the experience that we are not sure that we are still part of reality.


Afterwards dinner together at Chai Viet.


Further information:

January 25, 2024: at the exhibition #SOPHYGRAY - A Feminist Voice Bot with artist Nadja Verena Marcin and curator Sylvia Sadzinski at alpha nova & galerie futura 


As part of the Vorspiel 2024 of the transmediale and CTM, alpha nova & galeria futura showed the solo exhibition #SOPHYGRAY – A Feminist Voice Bot, the Berlin premiere of a three-year project by visual artist Nadja Verena Marcin. In collaboration with more than 40 collaborators, the voice bot SOPHY9000 was trained to hold conversations about identity, art and feminism.


Afterwards dinner together at Chung Asia.


Further information:

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