Meetings 2015

Nov 25, 2015: SALOON at Sophia Pompéry’s solo exhibition Berkeley's Cat

at Wagner + Partner Gallery


Artist Sophia Pompéry presents her latest works in her solo exhibition Berkeley's Cat

at Wagner + Partner Gallery


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Vesuvio


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Oct 21, 2015: SALOON at Independent Collectors with Karoline Pfeiffer


Karoline Pfeiffer, director and since 2014 managing director of Independent Collectors, introduces the world's first and largest international online community for collectors for contemporary art.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Antillo


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Sep 28, 2015: SALOON at the studio of RÖMER + RÖMER


The artist couple RÖMER + RÖMER present their latest works.


Afterwards dinner together at the canteen of the AQUA CARRÉ.


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Jul 8, 2015: SALOON 5 at cakesmeyer with Eva Meyer-Hermann


Dr. Eva Meyer-Hermann, exhibition maker and academic author for museums and collections for over 20 years, presents her exhibition projects such as the retrospectives of Carl Andre, Jason Rhoades, Paul McCarthy, Martin Kippenberger and Allan Kaprow.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant MUTTI KREUZBERG


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Jun 15, 2015: SALOON at the studio of Amélie Grözinger


Artist Amélie Grözinger presents her latest works.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Nosh


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May 4, 2015: SALOON in the installation Instrumental Environments # 1 by an dwith Awst & Walther at Georg Kolbe Museum


Manon Awst and Benjamin Walther along with Dr. Ursula Ströbele (UdK) and Julia Wallner, Head of the Georg-Kolbe-Museum, introduce their artistic space intervention Instrumental Environments # 1.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Il Passetto


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Mar 30, 2015: SALOON at Jarmuschek + Partner Gallery with Ines Wittneben


Ines Wittneben, the gallery manager at Jarmuschek + Partner and project manager of the art fair POSITIONS BERLIN, presents together with the artist Petra Lottje her solo exhibition Isomere.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Joseph Roth Diele


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Feb 24, 2015: SALOON at ARNDT with Valeska Hageney


Valeska Hageney is a freelance curator and gallery manager at ARNDT. She introduces to the solo exhibition Unearth by Philippine artist Nona Garcia at ARNDT.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Joseph Roth Diele


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Jan 28, 2015: SALOON at the studio of Katharina Arndt


Artist Katharina Arndt presents her work.


Afterwards dinner together at Restaurant Valle dei Templi


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SALOON BERLIN © 2012–2022