Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 18-20 h CEST
Public Online Event (in English), organized by SALOON Berlin and Performing Encounters
In short talks, SALOON members of different cities introduce great women in contemporary art and art history. The event’s title* refers to Linda Nochlin’s famous essay Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? (1971) that outlines the systemic obstacles that are responsible for a low visibility of women in art and the art market, and which are partly still valid today.
Watch the Talks online: vimeo.com/723032795
Talks & Speakers:
Psychological Aspects on WHY?* & Neurological Techniques for Change
Britta Adler, Curator, Artist, Coach, Psychologist, SALOON Berlin
Just As It Is - An Approach To Candid Writings By Women Artists
Sophie Aigner, Artist and Writer, SALOON Berlin
Behind Every Great Man There’s An Intelligent Woman: How Mary Warburg Visualized and Illustrated Aby Warburg’s Art Historical Research
Charlotte Gaitzsch, Art Historian and Curator, SALOON Hamburg
Wired Up: Researching „Bomb Cello“ Performances by Cellist, Artist and Brilliant Event Organizer Charlotte Moorman
Katharina Haider, Fine Art Conservator, SALOON Berlin and Munich
Pan Yuliang - Great Chinese Paintress
Julia Hartmann, Curator, SALOON Wien
Vera Molnár - A Singular Pioneer of Digital Art
Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Artist, SALOON Paris
Plautilla Nelli (1524–1588) - A Self-Taught Nun-Artist and the First Known Female Renaissance Painter of Florence
Kati Renner, Art Historian and Curator, SALOON Berlin
Durch Netzwerke zu Empowerment und Sichtbarkeit
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 18.30 h CEST
Public Panel Talk (in deutscher Sprache)
HAUNT Berlin, Kluckstr. 23A, 10785 Berlin
Das Panel diskutiert die Relevanz von Netzwerken und Zusammenschlüssen von Frauen und Minderheiten. Wie können Netzwerke inspirieren und ermutigen, Synergien nutzen und gegenseitig unterstützen? Können Netzwerke gemeinschaftlich Veränderungen bewirken? Die Speakerinnen teilen Erfahrungen und Wissen aus ihrer eigenen Netzwerkarbeit und ihren Communities.
Wendoly Monteiro da Costa, Künstlerin, Ko-Gründerin WUMANAS Artists platform
Armaghan Naghipour, Staatssekretärin für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Gleichstellung und Vorstandsmitglied neue deutsche organisationen
Anahita Sadighi, Galeristin Anahita - Arts of Asia und Anahita Contemporary
Tina Sauerländer, Gründerin SALOON Berlin
Lena Fließbach und Sarah Maske, SALOON Berlin
Images of the event : J. Pegman, 2022
Picknick auf dem / Picnic at Tempelhofer Feld
Sunday, June 26, 2022, 14 - 19 h CEST
Auf dem Grillplatz nahe Oderstraße / barbecue area near Oderstraße
Öffentliches Event / Public Event
Kommt und feiert mit uns den 10. SALOON Geburtstag! / Come and celebrate the 10th SALOON birthday with us!
Tuesday, June 28, 2022, 19 h CEST
Public Screening and Artist Talk (in English)
SOMA Art Space 300, Eylauer Str. 9, 10965 Berlin
Rah Eleh is a queer-feminist artist based in Toronto. Her film SuperNova is a talent show parody that consists of seven characters which the artist performs. By staging the competitors Oreo, Fatimeh, and Coco, the artist Rah Eleh critically examines race and ethnic performance.